Mitutoyo Euro Apex Co-ordinate Measuring Machine
At the core of our CMM Inspection Services, our in house co-ordinate measuring machine offers value for money inspection that is capable of recording measurements down to 1 micron.
Using state of the art Inspect 3D and Inspect 2 CAD software allows us to report in standard printed format, or alternatively, as full graphical detail of all measured components.
The alignment of parts to a 2D drawing or to a CAD model is available.
The coordinate measuring machine (CMM) is capable of simple “Linear” measurements up to full 3 axis geometrical tolerance measurements of parts aligned to a CAD model (Carline Format)
Gauge repeatability and reliability studies, and running SPC can also be completed on the coordinate measuring machine.

3D Laser Scanner
We have recently taken delivery of a PRINCE 775 3D laser scanning system. Manufactured by Scan-Tech, the unit uses a combination of red and blue laser technology to provide very high resolution and highly detailed data capture.
The primary use of this equipment will be for high-resolution contactless measurement of components. In some cases, this will be as part of an inspection process such as dimensional reporting but may also involve the reverse engineering of an existing item that has no current CAD data.

Vision Engineering Digital Scope
Utilising state of the art “Dimension One” software, our digital scope is ideal for capturing and measuring images of small components or small areas of parts that cannot be effectively measured with other inspection equipment.
On screen measuring can be performed on any captured image and then marked up as graphical reports. With the ability to measure down to 1 micron in size, the digital scope is perfect for all non-contact measurement requirements.
With its unique lighting system, even the darkest or lightest of parts can be measured.