Category: Uncategorized

Contactless Laser Measurement

LVS QMS Now Offer Contactless Laser Measurement

LVS Quality Measurement Services have recently taken delivery of a PRINCE 775 3D laser scanning system. Manufactured by ScanTech, the unit uses a combination of red and blue laser technology to provide very high resolution and highly detailed data capture. The primary use of this equipment will be for high-resolution contactless measurement of components. In […]

Final assembly of the new oil filling system

Want to Re-shore your Plastic Component Manufacture, but don’t have a Tool or Drawings?

It’s a common enough issue.  Your current overseas manufacturing partner very helpfully helped to design your components and manufactured your tooling, but now you’re stuck with them! Fortunately, LVS QMS have the equipment and skill sets to allow us to work backwards from a sample component.  We can accurately measure external and internal features and […]